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2021-07-07 10:46  

Difference Between Stereotype andPrejudice

July 29, 2011 Posted by Nedha


Stereotype vs Prejudice


Stereotype and Prejudice are two types ofbeliefs about different classes of individuals between which certaindifferences can be highlighted. People have stereotypic ideas about others andalso hold prejudices. In the attempt to understand the world around us, peopleengage in forming stereotypes and even prejudices. For an example, let us takea certain professional suchas a doctor or a librarian. We all have an image of the person in our mind.When we meet someone who belongs to this criterion, even without considering weput the person under the appropriate category. So we can define the idea of astereotype as an oversimplified idea of the typical characteristics of aperson. Sometimes stereotypic beliefs can be negative. When speaking ofprejudice, it is an opinion that is not based on any logic or reasoning. Weall have such ideas about people such as dislikes that do not have a logical orrational explanation. This article attempts to highlight the differences whileelucidating the two terms.

What is Stereotype?

It is interesting to note that the word‘stereotype’ is derived from the Greek word ‘stereos’ meaning ‘firm’ or‘solid’. They are standardized beliefs about people based on some prior assumptions. Accordingto psychological studies, there are a number of theories on stereotypes. One ofthe theories says that stereotyping is because it is too difficult to take allthe complexities of other people as individuals. Another theory says that in abid to think good about oneself people engage in stereotype. It is believedthat childhood influences are indeed some of the very profound factors indeveloping stereotypes. As the child grows up, he begins to create ‘schemas’ or else mentalshortcuts which assist the individual to deal with day today experiences in amuch more effective manner. For an example, let us take the role of a teacher.From childhood itself we develop an idea of a teacher. This is an overall and avery simplified description that we hope to apply to all teachers. This allowsa person to easily recognize an individual through the assistance of mentalschemas. When a person does not fit into our stereotypic image, it can be veryconfusing for the individual. Stereotypes are quite common in cultural media,where actors perform the role of different characters.

Difference Between Stereotype and Prejudice- Stereotype

What is Prejudice?

On the other hand, prejudice is a kind ofprejudgment or assumption about somebody before having sufficient knowledge tojudge with accuracy. This is primarily the difference between stereotype andprejudice. It is a conception of people based on ethnicity, race, gender, caste and the like. Forthis reason, prejudice refers to beliefs without sound knowledge of the factsconcerned with the belief. The research thathave been conducted on prejudice show that much of prejudice is based onnegative feelings towards people belonging to other groups but showing favortowards people belonging to one’s groups.   This is possiblydeveloped not due to hatred though but due to admiration and trust in one’sgroups. Even we have this practice. Imagine a group of students in a school.There is a high tendency for them to consider themselves as the cooler and thebetter students in comparison to another group. This group would view others ascompetitors, hence harbor negative opinions. Sometimes, unusual or undesirablenotions about someone may result in prejudice too. Thus, social status is alsoa very important factor to be taken to affect prejudice.

Difference Between Stereotype and Prejudice- Prejudice

What is the Difference BetweenStereotype and Prejudice?

  • Stereotypes are standardized beliefs     about people based on some prior assumptions

  • Prejudice is a kind of prejudgment or     assumption about somebody before having sufficient knowledge to judge with     accuracy.

  • Prejudice is based on negative feelings     towards people belonging to other groups but showing favor towards people     belonging to one’s groups whereas in Stereotypes this characteristic     cannot be seen.





















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